15 actions you can take today to nurture your inner child

We are born as joyful, free-spirited beings that are easily amazed by a flying insect, the leaves falling down, or just the breeze touching our faces. But as we grow up, we are told to be “serious”, “mature”, “responsible” and to stop asking questions or doing the things that make us happy, because they are seen as “inappropriate”.
Little by little we are disconnected from our true nature selves, and we enter a downward spiral of competition, perfectionism, “success”, comparing to others, thinking what others might say or think about us, and never feeling enough… [and then we ask why there are so many adults suffering from anxiety and depression!].

Can you relate to this?

Do you hide behind a façade of “career success” but are internally self-doubting yourself and fearful of taking risks without having the approval of others?

Have you asked yourself what are the things that make your soul really full and joyful?
What if you start by reclaiming your inner child’s back, no matter how grown up you are?

Here are some actions you can take to nurture your little child within you:

1. If you have kids, observe them and learn from them. They are naturally mindful and capable of being present and enjoying the moment with great curiosity.

2. Make time to do something creative. Creativity is the fuel of self-confidence!

3. Use your imagination. Fantasize. Daydream. This will raise your energies and you will feel happier.

4. Laugh hard! Allow your joyful self to express loudly! It really makes a difference in your mood. Scientific research shows that the Laughter Therapy leads to release negative emotions in the body, overcome stress and helps against mental illnesses.

5. Allow yourself to make new friends that are not related to work or to your children’s school.

6. Spend time in nature. Stop to appreciate the sunset. Walk barefoot.

7. Take a photo of something that inspires you.

8. Take back old unfulfilled dreams, like learning to play a musical instrument or a new language.

9. Play! Allow yourself to play again! You will feel so rejuvenated and vibrant afterwards!

10. Have a break from technology.

11. Listen to music.

12. Dance! Exercise! Move your body!

13. Practise being in the moment consciously, as it helps you to explore and live life to the fullest.

14. Be curious! Ask questions, no matter if you think they are silly.

15. Take bold risks. Life is NOW, so you’d better take advantage of the chance you’ve got!
What do you think would make you feel better? Enjoying just parts of your day or rather enjoying it all?
When you keep your inner child alive, you certainly see life from a much positive perspective and this leads you to a much happier, healthier person.
Monica Amores

Monica Amores